Engine 5.5 Kw…..7.5 Kw.
Noise level 85 dB.
Voltage 380 / 220 V III.
Weight 102 Kg /137 Kg
Cutting system HSS high performace disc
Cutting speed 50 m/min

The  CMT 4″/CMT 8″ cutter is designed for cutting processes of food and industry where long cut diameters are needed. Thanks to its HSS disc cuts it gives clean cuts causing minimum dust and smoke.

One of its advantages is the diameter of the disc that guarantees a great performance and a long lifespan for an essential part of this machine. It incorporates a system of gradable guides to vary the cutting radius, which means exact and easy cutting even with the most complicated pipes of many metallic reinforcement nets, such as the 6SP.

Compact dimensions, optimized with an ergonomic design which guarantees a minimum effort for the user, doing big series (Optional automatic cut).

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